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Margaret Spiegelman

Margaret Spiegelman

Margaret Spiegelman is an associate editor with Inside U.S. Trade.

Archived Articles

Sen. Warren: GSP must be paired with TAA -- sans retroactive benefits

Lawmakers must renew Trade Adjustment Assistance as part of any deal to reauthorize the Generalized System of Preferences and should not provide retroactive benefits to importers once GSP is restored, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said on Wednesday. Warren said she also wants to see GSP used to provide market-access benefits for U.S. exporters. Speaking during a Senate Finance Committee hearing on GSP, the African Growth and Opportunity Act and other preference programs, Warren decried a proposal by Republican House lawmakers...

Canadian industry, unions urge Ottawa to gird for 2026 USMCA review

Representatives from Canadian industry, labor and civil society groups last week called on lawmakers in Ottawa to start gearing up for tough negotiations with Washington when the countries review their renegotiated trade agreement in 2026. The Canadian House of Commons’ Standing Committee on International Trade heard from stakeholders in the steel, automotive, dairy and manufacturing industries, as well as union and civil society groups, about their chief priorities for the 2026 review of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement during a hearing last...

Commerce says China unfairly subsidizes its glass wine bottle industry

The Commerce Department this week preliminarily determined that Beijing unfairly subsidizes its glass wine bottle industry, setting high duty rates on Chinese producers that could increase amid a pending antidumping probe. The department has been reviewing allegations by domestic producer Ardagh Glass Inc. and the United Steelworkers that glass wine bottles from China are unfairly priced and subsidized, in addition to claims from the same groups that Mexico and Chile are dumping glass wine bottles on the U.S. market. In...

Shipping industry to USTR: Port fee would not alter China’s incentives 

A port fee on Chinese-built ships sought by a coalition of U.S. unions would not meaningfully change China’s support of its shipbuilding sector, a major global shipping trade association told the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative on Wednesday, arguing that operators could avoid the fee by substituting other foreign-made vessels to service U.S. routes. The potential impacts of the proposed fee – called for in a petition filed earlier this year by a group of major unions – were...

Tai: Trade -- part of the ‘social contract’ -- must transform

Trade must be part of a new “social contract” with widely felt benefits, U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai said this week, invoking ideals set out more than 80 years ago for a post-World War II order -- and neglected since then, she charges -- as a guide for transforming U.S. trade policy. In a piece published in the Financial Times and released by USTR , Tai frames the Biden administration’s trade policy in the context of a broader move to...

Coons: Congress should be able to ‘lay the groundwork’ to renew AGOA this year

Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) on Friday said he hoped the congressional committees responsible for trade this year would -- “at the very least” -- lay a foundation for renewing the African Growth and Opportunity Act, which he calls critical to U.S. national interests. Coons, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations committee and a longtime proponent of stronger trade ties with countries in Africa, earlier this year introduced a bill to reauthorize and update AGOA, a trade-preference program with countries...

U.S., Mexico, Canada set out procedures to coordinate in emergencies

The U.S., Mexico and Canada have set out new procedures for coordinating in emergency situations that could disrupt North American trade flows, filling in key details about an effort developed in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai on Thursday announced the three countries had agreed to the procedures, outlined in an addendum to a U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement Free Trade Commission decision, following an FTC meeting with her Mexican and Canadian counterparts this week in Phoenix. “The...

U.S., Canada, Mexico to advance efforts on NME practices, emergency response

The U.S., Canada and Mexico have agreed to “expand their collaboration” on issues related to non-market practices and committed to new procedures for handling emergencies that impact trade between the three partners, they said on Thursday. U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai, Canadian Minister of Export Promotion, International Trade and Economic Development Mary Ng and Mexican Secretary of Economy Raquel Buenrostro issued a joint statement outlining their plans following the fourth meeting of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement Free Trade Commission, held in...

Graves: Commerce wants to help renewables sector face challenges abroad

The Commerce Department wants to support the U.S. renewable energy sector as it contends with foreign practices that could hinder its ability to thrive during a critical period, a top official told a panel of industry advisers on Wednesday. Deputy Commerce Secretary Don Graves highlighted concerns about “coercive” actions and other practices that could undermine the industry in remarks to members of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee during the panel’s last meeting of its 2022-2024 charter, held...

U.S., Philippines, Japan advance ‘economic corridor’ under IPEF effort

Senior officials from the U.S., Philippines and Japan on Tuesday launched a “steering committee” to develop a new economic corridor connecting the Philippines’ largest ports, an effort supported by an investment accelerator created under the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity. The Luzon Economic Corridor will “support connectivity among Subic Bay, Clark, Manila, and Batangas as well as facilitate strategic, anchor investments within each hub in high-impact infrastructure projects, including rail, port modernization, agribusiness, and clean energy and semiconductor supply chains...


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