Inside Trade

September 10, 2024

About World Trade Online

World Trade Online is a digital news service which includes the Inside U.S. Trade newsletter. Access to World Trade Online's full range of services is through payment of a digital access fee. Access is controlled with a user name and password.


  • Daily News - Exclusive breaking news stories and investigative reporting posted throughout the day.
  • Inside U.S. Trade - Instant digital access to the weekly Inside U.S. Trade newsletter.
  • Multi-year archive of back issues - Access all the back issues of Inside U.S. Trade as far back as 1993.
  • Documents - A database library comprising over 100,000 valuable trade-related documents selected by our editors including policy papers, WTO decisions, draft and final regulations, court decisions, legislation and much more;
  • Topics - News from the U.S., the Western Hemisphere, USMCA, Europe & Africa, Asia & the Pacific as well as all of the major international organizations.
  • News on the WTO - General News, Dispute Settlement, Negotiations, Plurilaterals, plus other important news.
  • 'This Week In Trade' - An editorial weekly report with the most important news of the week.
  • Email Alerts - An early "Morning Headlines" alert recapping the previous day's news; breaking news alerts; a weekly alert highlighting "This Week in Trade"; a weekly alert featuring the top headlines from the Inside U.S. Trade newsletter; and other announcements.

Accessing World Trade Online

Access to World Trade Online is available only to subscribers of Inside U.S. Trade. Access is by IP recognition or by user name and password only and is non-transferable without permission of the publisher. All subscribers will continue to receive a printed copy of Inside U.S. Trade, delivered in the traditional manner.

Access to the site is governed by our general Terms and Conditions and specific conditions associated with approval to log on.


The service provided by World Trade Online is governed by the payment of a digital access fee and conditions associated with it. Following are the pricing categories (all fees are in addition to the price of an underlying subscription to Inside U.S. Trade which is currently $1180 in the U.S. and Canada, USD $1220 elsewhere):

  • Standard License. $600 a year. Allows up to four individuals with authorized access. By four individuals we mean four specific people, not a changing or changeable group of four. All four authorized users must be in the same physical location and part of the same functional group.
  • Site Licenses. If the standard license does not fit your needs, case-by-case negotiation of site licenses will apply.

Specific terms and conditions may apply to access. For example, a location generally is defined as a street address. But there may be instances where the size of an office served by a street address (such as at a government agency or large corporate office) is deemed too large to be considered a single location. In these instances, other definitions will apply - such as a specific office or department within an organization.

Trial Access

Trial subscriptions to World Trade Online are available (one trial per individual or organization please). For more information, please contact our Customer Service department at ( or by phone (1-800-424-9068 or 703-416-8505). You may also request a trial.

Technical Questions

World Trade Online can be accessed from any recent modern browser ( Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Safari, Firefox or Opera). The only additional software that most users may require is a copy of Adobe's Acrobat Reader software, which can be downloaded at no charge from Printable copies of Inside U.S. Trade are prepared using Adobe Acrobat, in order to retain the original look of the paper copy.

World Trade Online also features the complete text of a wide variety of documents. Many of these documents are available as Adobe Acrobat files to preserve their original formatting, and in some cases (when the original document was only available in paper form), these documents may be quite large. Such documents may take a considerable time to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection. Also, when printing these large documents, some users may need to adjust the resolution of their printers downward (e.g. from 600 to 300 or 150 dpi) in order to avoid printer errors. Please note also that most Adobe Acrobat files are much easier to read when they are printed out. If you have specific questions or problems, please contact us via e-mail at and we will be happy to assist you.

Customer Service

World Trade Online maintains a customer-service department that can help answer most questions that you may have about your account. When you are experiencing technical problems or have editorial questions, our customer service representatives also can help you get answers quickly and efficiently.

You can contact customer service by at or call (1-800-424-9068 or 703-416-8505). Susan Szkotnicki or Takitia Bowser will help you. You could also fax your requests to 1-703-416-8543.

Terms And Conditions

Access to World Trade Online is governed by a general set of Terms and Conditions and specific conditions and permissions governed by individual circumstances.

Privacy Policy

The publishers are committed to respecting your privacy in ways that guarantee information necessarily collected about you for account-management purposes will not be disseminated. For a complete statement about this commitment, read our Internet Privacy Policy.

Inside Washington Publishers

World Trade Online is a product of Inside Washington Publishers, which for over 40 years has provided exclusive, relevant news about the federal policymaking process, to professionals who have a need to know about the process. It has groups of news services covering environment, climate, defense, international trade, health care, cybersecurity, AI and OSHA.

The company has about 70 employees, most of whom are involved in the editorial process. Its principal offices are in the Washington DC area. You can contact the company in various ways:

1919 South Eads Street
Suite 100
Arlington, VA 22202

1-800-424-9068 or 703-416-8505



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