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World Trade Online


The State Department hosted the inaugural “U.S.-Vietnam Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Economic Dialogue” in Washington on Tuesday.

Tue, 5:41 PM

Moscow last year asked that the dispute panel suspend the proceedings.

Tue, 3:53 PM

A rundown of the week's (many) noteworthy events.

Mon, 6:04 PM

“Policy changes to stem rapidly increasing farm labor costs, increase exports by negotiating lower tariffs and better market access, and more international market promotion funding could help return the U.S. to agricultural trade surpluses.”

Mon, 1:20 PM

“The FISH Act will help us identify the weaknesses in our seafood supply chain and equip managers with the flexibility to respond to new pressures on fish stocks.”

Fri, 2:28 PM
By Hannah Monicken

Three Democratic senators from Ohio and Pennsylvania are pushing the Biden administration to take executive action to block Nippon Steel’s proposed acquisition of U.S. Steel, arguing it would impede domestic trade enforcement efforts and pose a threat to U.S. workers.

By Oliver Ward

As the administration continues efforts to shore up critical supply chains and improve resilience, federal agencies must better coordinate their efforts to avoid overlapping and siloed activities, industry representatives have told the Commerce Department.

By Jason Asenso

The State Department, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and the Commerce Department will lead a new “whole-of-government” initiative to expand trade and boost U.S. businesses opportunities through economic diplomacy, the administration announced.

By Brett Fortnam

House Republican appropriators on Tuesday proposed across-the-board cuts to key trade agencies, including the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, the U.S. International Trade Commission and the Commerce Department.

By Margaret Spiegelman

Ethiopia and Uganda are re-upping calls to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative to reinstate their trade benefits under the African Growth and Opportunity Act, while Somalia is requesting first-time access to the program as part of the agency’s annual review of AGOA country eligibility.

By Oliver Ward

U.S. industry representatives on Monday urged the Biden administration to ensure its digital trade stance complements its efforts to bolster domestic manufacturing, including by ensuring its approach to managing cross-border data does not become overly restrictive.

  • The World Trade Organization’s plurilateral discussions on e-commerce offer the best opportunity for members to address rules on cross-border data flows, data localization, source code and cryptography -- all areas in which the talks are on hold, according to one of the negotiations’ co-conveners.

  • Barriers to global digital services trade have grown over the last decade and regulatory differences are widening, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said on Monday, citing an uptick in countries’ adoption of data-localization requirements that hamper cross-border data flows.